ICV26 header
Sydney Flag Congress Proceedings VENUE congress flag excursions
companions fees programme call for papers  
accommodation sponsors

All Congress participants were invited to participate in the 26th International Congress of Vexillology by delivering a presentation in Sydney. The organisers endeavoured to accommodate as many acceptable presentations as the Congress schedule allowed.

Lectures need to be interesting to an international audience of vexillologists but need not be "academic" in their style.

The ICV is not a forum for the conduct of the debate on whether Australia should have a new national flag. The organisers reserved the right to reject a proposed lecture that was merely a hagiography of the Australian flag or a promotion of an individual's preferred design concept. For example, "My golden kangaroo flag design" could be rejected, but "A comparative analysis of the use of kangaroos as a design concept" could be accepted. Similarly, "The Australian flag is the symbol of national pride" could be rejected, but "Nationalism in the Australian flag debate" could be accepted. Personal views in favour of retention or change of Australian flag can influence an individual's lecture - but there needs to be more than mere advocacy of those views.

The organisers intend to arrange lectures by theme. Currently, the broad themes for which lectures have been submitted include:


Understanding history through flags

Australian Historical Flags

Good design

Flag Conservation

Asian flags and vexillology

European flags

Flags of the Pacific

Flags and technology

  Presentations are expected on both Australian and international topics and both subject areas were equally welcome. Presentation topics did not need to be aligned with any of the ICV26 themes published prior to the receipt of abstracts.
  Presentations will generally be 25 minutes in duration plus 5 minutes for questions and answers. Some shorter presentations of 10 minutes will also occur. The Programme currently has available 33 time slots for lectures, though this may vary to the extent that panel discussions or workshops are arranged and short presentations are submitted.

31 January 2015

Submission of abstract of presentation (maximum 250 words). Was extended to 8 March 2015.
    28 February 2015 Acceptance of proposed presentations. Was revised to 21 March.
    31 May 2015 Submission of final draft of presentation text
    15 July 2015 Submission of final version of presentation, including publishable text and Powerpoint presentation
  Lecture Program Coordinator:

Tony Burton, Secretary and Editor of Crux Australis



Lodgement Arrangements:










All abstracts, presentations and any questions are to be submitted to Tony Burton.

Any questions relating to the vexillological programme should be sent to papers@icv26.com.au

Lodgement arrangements for the ICV presentations was by way of email for the initial absract and final draft of presentations. Lodgement of the final papers is preferably by posting a USB memory stick or CD to Tony Burton at Flags Australia, P.O. Box 233, Milsons Point, NSW, 1565, Australia. The Lecture Program Coordinator has limitations imposed by his Internet Service Provider on the size of attachments that can be accepted by email. It was not possible to arrange a satisfactory "drop-box" style of file uploading.

Lecturers are reminded that the final lecture package needs to include:

*Text file of lecture in the form it is to be delivered, in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).

*Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt or .pptx). Presentations are preferred to be in the format of the ICV26 Presentation Template (ICV26 PPT TEMPLATE.ppt) (Note the Powerpoint file may download into your Download folder or C:Drive rather than open automatically). Other presentation styles will be acceptable. If another style is used, then we request that the ICV26 logo and name from the template are included.

*Other details of lecture and lecturer - abstract (final version for publication - 200-250 words), personal contact details, brief biographical summary suitable for an introduction prior to your lecture (and for publication with proceedings), photograph (optional - for the proceedings). The lecture text should include any footnotes, bibliography and acknowledgements.

*Lecturers are also required to lodge a statement confirming that the lecture is the original work of the lecturer and has not previously been published (other than for minor parts). The statement also is required to provide Flags Australia with a licence to publish the lecture in the proceedings.







Presentations may be presented in any of the official languages of FIAV (English, French, German or Spanish), however the Congress will be conducted in English. There will be no simultaneous translation arranged for speakers. If a language other than English is used, then the abstract must be submitted in English, a 1-3 page summary in English must be prepared for distribution to delegates for the presentation and PowerPoint presentations must have English captions on illustrations. A complete English translation of the full text of the Presentation would be appreciated for publication in the Proceedings, along with the original foreign language text, though this is not mandatory. A lecture may be given in a language other than the FIAV official languages with the approval of the Lecture Program Cordinator.






Presentations should be prepared on the basis of using Microsoft PowerPoint as the method of delivering images on to a screen. A short video or other methods of projection may be possible, subject to the prior advice to and agreement of the Lecture Program Cordinator. Physical flags can also be used, but please arrange for them to be displayed by one or two assistants. The lecture room in the Telstra Theatre will have a personal computer, audio-visual connections, screen, podium and microphone. Participants will need to provide their presentation in electronic form by USB memory stick to the Lecture Program Coordinator, who, together with a Flags Australia technical person will then work with the audio-visual operators at Telstra to create integrated presentations for each day of lectures. All presentation and text files will need to be Microsoft Windows compatable.

Files for Publication in Proceedings:





The final version of papers in a form intended for publication must be be lodged with the Lecture Program Coordinator by 15 July in addition to any shorter version suitable for oral presentation. Any revisions to the lecture as delivered or the final draft of the publishable paper must be lodged with the Lecture Program Coordinator no later than 31 December 2015. If a final "full" version of a paper is not submitted with the oral presention version, then Flags Australia reserves the right to publish the lecture in the form it was delivered, which may be shorter and less comprehensive than the final form preferred by the lecturer for publication. Papers will need to be in a format that does not require any further editing, other than for the purposes of layout uniformity. Assume publication using A4 portrait paper size.







All presentations will be compiled and published by Flags Australia as Proceedings of the 26th International Congress. The organisers will seek to publish the proceedings as promptly as possible. It is currently intended that the proceedings will be published in CD-Rom format, though the organisers will investigate the feasibility of a print edition being available at an affordable price. By submitting a paper or short presentation, each author grants Flags Australia unlimited permission to use, reproduce and publish all or part of the paper in any form as part of the Congress proceedings, or as an article in Crux Australis. The author further asserts that all images used are used by either written permission secured or are available for publication under “fair use”. The published version of a presentation can be longer and more complete in its scope than the version delivered orally at the Congress. Presentations may not be published in another vexillological journal prior to the publication of the Congress Proceedings.



  © 2022 Copyright to the Flag Society of Australia Inc.