The flag of the 26th International Congress of Vexillology was first shown publicly at the Washington Flag Congress (ICV24) in August 2011. The flag was designed by Tony Burton, with artwork provided by Ralph Kelly. The design was the result of long discussion at Flags Australia meetings in Sydney and calls for suggestions from members in 2010.
The colours are Blue PMS 288, Yellow PMS 7406 and Red PMS 200 |
Blue and gold are the colours of both FIAV and the host city, Sydney. Blue, white and red are the colours of the Australian National Flag. Red and gold are the warm primary colours of the Australian Aboriginal flag.
The central arch is symbolic of the span of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the sails of the Sydney Opera House. The curve could also evokes the “yellow brick road” of the Wizard of Oz, which can represent the path to greater understanding and human harmony that is one of the themes of international vexillology.
The red curve is also suggestive of Uluru.
ICV26 is shown using the Roman numerals for twenty six.
The leading X is surmounted by a blue dot to suggest a human shape, emblematic of a meeting.
The vertical line of circles above the stylised Virtruvian figure can be considered to be a mast from which two ribbons suggest a triband flag, inviting reflection on the meaning and future of flags. The flags also reinforce the idea that this the flag for a meeting of vexillologists |
The Southern Cross is a symbol not only of Australia, but also of the South Pacific. The stars are shown as circles rather than with points so as not to emulate the stars on the Australian flag literally. The use of circles rising from the X-man is suggestive of thought bubbles. The ICV26 lectures and contacts will encourage participants to think about flags beyond their personal research focus. The circles also suggest dot paintings, one of the unique styles of Aboriginal art, particularly in Central Australia. |