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Crux Australis

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Recent Issue of Crux Australis: Issue No. 148

The most recent issue of Crux Australis is No. 148 [Volume 36/4] nominally issued for the period October - December 2023.   This issue was published late in April 2024. Issue No. 147 was also issued at the same time (see below), but Issue No. 149 for the period January - March 2024 has been delayed.

Renewal of membership for 2024 will be at a reduced rate and renewals will not be sought until after Issue No. 149 has been issued.

The contents are:

Vexillogistics (editorial)   Tony Burton

page 163

The Flags Act 1953: search for a national flag   Ralph Kelly pages 164 - 196
A republic promised   Tony Burton pages 197 - 199
Boxing Kangaroo   Michael Blakeney page 200
Pardon - and a flag   Losirene Lacanivalu & Thomas Wynne, Cook Island News pages 201 - 204
Blue ribbon: Minnesota gets a new flag with maximum efficiency   Tony Burton page 205
Minnesota's new crowd-sourced state flag   Hunter Schwarz, fastcompany.com pages 206 - 209
Republican Minnesota state representative shares unfounded conspiracy theory  


Richard Eberwein,


pages 209 - 210
Frequently asked questions on the new Minnesota flag  

Deb Gaul, marshallindependent.com

pages 211 - 213

Kuwait: right way up   Tony Burton   page 214
Index - Issues 145-148   Tony Burton  

pages 215 -216


SUMMARY - Issue No. 148

A multi-starred British ensign was selected and approved by the King in 1903.  Ralph Kelly charts the long-drawn-out process of the design of an Imperial ensign with the Union Jack in the canton becoming accepted as the national flag of Australia.  From the official adoption of two designs with different colours and intended usage, as carefully detailed by Ralph Kelly, it took 50 years for one of these - the blue version - to be recognized officially and legally as the Australian National Flag from there on in, and a further 45 years to hedge around it conditions under which it might be changed.

And yet the prospect of a republic one day, all pretensions of royalty dispensed with is still a dream, a new flag not readily admitted, and not necessarily the green and gold kangaroo or something vexillologically more believable, such as John Bond’s with a different sort of K.  So far those offered have found no takers, nor is there any convincing alternative on the horizon. There are more pressing priorities: there is a global whiff of 1939 on the horizon.

Meanwhile, the Cook Islands dream of a return to their version of green and gold.  Something revolutionary in flag design is the new state flag of Minnesota, USA. 

The correct way to display the flag of Kuwait is revealed.

An index of all topics covered in 2023 is at the end.





Recent Issue of Crux Australis: Issue No. 147

A recent issue of Crux Australis is No. 147 [Volume 36/3] nominally issued for the period July - Sept 2023.   This issue was published late in April 2024. Issue No. 148 has also been issued (see above).

The contents are:

Vexillogistics (editorial)   Tony Burton

page 111

Cities of Tasmania   Ralph Kelly pages 112 - 120
The ambiguities of orange   Quiz page 121
The colour of purple   Ralph Kelly pages 122 - 133
The startling purple and gold flag of NAVA 48   Ralph Kelly pages 134 - 135
The Channel Islands and their best flag   Tony Burton pages 136 - 137
At cross purposes   Quiz page 138
The flag man, Bruce Nicolls - a personal memoir   Ralph Bartlett pages 139 - 142
The Rainbow's promise   Tony Burton

pages 143 - 145

Vexillogisms: How many flag are enough?   Tony Burton

page 146

Kyrgyzstan's new flag debuts in Bishkek   Catherine Putz, The Diplomat

pages 147 -149

Hanging out more flags: the how and the why   Tony Burton   pages 150 - 159
Parochial vexillology: Australia (and New Zealand and 4 others)   Tony Burton

page 160


SUMMARY - Issue No. 147

The edition opens with a survey of the flags of the seven main cities of the Australian island state of Tasmania, their common style based on colonial heraldry.

Whether the deep maroon of royalty or the blue-tinged shade known as violet, the colour purple is rare among the world’s 200 or so national flags - but the Siserou Parrot stands out on its perch for Dominica.  However purple of either tinge is frequently seen across a wide range of sub-national flags, and more recently in the appropriation of the oldest and universal flag of all - the Rainbow - and its many variations from city flags to those of Suffragettes to Scouts.  

A personal remembrance of the late British vexillographer, Cmdr. Bruce Nicolls by the society's secretary includes a review of his flag and logo designs. This includes his role in the design of the flag of Guernsey. Simplicity was Bruce’s watchword in any flag design.

Kyrgyzstan is the most recent country to change the details of its flag, with the tunduk being redrawn, now with straight sunrays, making it look less like a sunflower and the roof slats were increased from three to four.

72 out of 200 (36%) national flags are without any device to guide their proper orientation in display. Even India’s Ashoka's Wheel is no guide.  Full attention is also important, whether in horizontal or vertical mode, with a clear example in displaying the Rainbow in gay solidarity. Attention is also needed for the correct slant of diagonals - cfr Brunei, Congo Republic, St Kitts Nevis, Solomon Islands, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago - and course the Union Jack.





Summary by Tony Burton,




For previous issues see: Crux Index vol 31 - current
  Crux Index vol 26 - 30
  Crux Index vol 21-25
  Crux Index vol 16-20
  Crux Index vol 11-15
  Crux Index vol 6-10
  Crux Index vol 1-5


ICV13 Report


ICV13 Report



© 2021

Material Copyright to the Flag Society of Australia Inc and Pennant Advisory Services Pty Limited. Text and illustrations by Ralph Kelly. Web Design by Elizabeth Kelly of ELK Prints.
